Categories: 2018

Azerbaijani press: Armenian PM Serzh Sargsyan resigns – UPDATED

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Armenia's Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan on Monday issued a statement on his resignation, APAreports citing news.am.


The statement reads as follows: 


“I address all citizens of the Republic of Armenia, the adults and my dear youth, women and men. I address those standing on the streets day and night with the call ‘Reject Serzh,’ and those who arrive at work these days  with difficulty through closed off streets and carry out their duty without sorrow. I address those who are glued before live broadcast for days and who ensure public safety like a man, day and night. I address our brave soldiers and officers standing at the border. I address my friends at arms. I address my fellow party friends, all political forces and figures. I address as head of the country for the last time.


“Nikol Pashinyan was right. I was wrong. The created situation has several solutions, but I will not resort to any of them; it is not mine. I am leaving the post of head of the country, Prime Minister of Armenia.


The movement on the street is against my tenure. I am carrying out your demand.


"Peace, harmony, and logic to our country. Thank you.”






Armenia's Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan has announced his resignation, APA reports citing news.am.

Jirair Kafian: