Categories: 2018

Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s Statement on the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Congressional Documents and Publications

Congresswoman Jackie Speier's Statement on the 103rd anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) News Release


WASHINGTON, DC - Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA-14), co-chair of the
Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues and one of two members of
Congress with Armenian heritage, released the following statement in
recognition of The Armenian Genocide Observance.

"Today marks the 103rd anniversary of the first genocide of the 20th
Century. Over 1.5 million Armenian, men, women, and children were
systematically slaughtered, destroying families, communities, and
religious sites. As the atrocities were carried out, the international
community failed to heed pleas for help and sealed the fates of

That is why it's so important that Congress and the U.S. government
recognize this attempt by Ottoman leaders to extinguish the Armenian
people. We must set an example of moral leadership so that other
countries will acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, and so that Armenia
can close this painful chapter in their history and continue to grow
and thrive.

Moving forward often requires painful wrestling with the past so that
we do not repeat our mistakes. It is well past-time for us to rectify
our failure to recognize this international tragedy, and honor the
lives lost and the damage done to the survivors."

Read this original document at:

Varazdat Torgomian: