Lukashenko advises Armenians not to be carried away by change of power

Interfax - Russia & CIS General Newswire
 Tuesday 5:12 PM MSK

Lukashenko advises Armenians not to be carried away by change of power

MINSK. April 24

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says that the people of
Armenia should not get carried away by the change of power.

"I only hope that the Armenian people doesn't get too carried away by
the situation. Because it is simple to change power, but then it
should produce results. And the nation will be waiting for this
result. God grant that the talented and wise people of Armenia cope
with the situation," he said in his annual message to the nation and
the National Assembly in Minsk on Tuesday.

"If it was necessary to change the constitution for someone's sake,
that should have been done honestly. One day we took that road when we
lifted restrictions for the election of presidents, all presidents.
There was no need [for Armenia] to turn a parliamentary republic into
a presidential and the presidential into parliamentary and then God
knows into what. Now it has backfired," Lukashenko said.

He said he discussed the issue with the former Armenian president
before and clearly stated his opinion.

"One should address the nation and tell it openly and honestly: that's
how things are. Why change the foundations of a country, break a
country to fit someone's personality? What if that person breaks
later?" Lukashenko said.