Turkish press: Human rights chairman condemns attack on Armenian church

Published10 hours ago

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Chairman of the Turkish Parliament's Human Rights Investigations Committee and Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Istanbul Deputy Mustafa Yeneroğlu strongly condemned a recent attack on the Armenian Church of Surp Takavor located in Istanbul's Kadıköy district, saying that security forces will hold perpetrator(s) accountable for the crime.

In a message posted on his official Twitter account, Yeneroğlu said that Turkey will not be provoked by such indecent acts, as he expressed sympathy with the Armenian community. He also gave a message of unity, saying that "Turkey belongs to all of us."

Mustafa Yeneroğlu@myeneroglu

#İstanbul Kadıköy'de bulunan Surp Takavor Ermeni Kilisesi'ne yönelik ırkçı saldırıyı şiddetle kınıyorum. Milletimiz bu aşağılık tahriklere gelmez. Emniyet güçlerimiz failleri en kısa zamanda bulacaktır. Ermeni cemaatine geçmiş olsun. Bu vatan hepimizin!

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