ARF lawmaker drops out from endorsing Pashinyan citing concerns


Vardanyan emphasized that he represents a party and a faction, which has a decision on voting in favor, therefore he is ready to resign if his party demands.

“I am also [a part] of the people, I am excited with this movement, with this generation of independence, I want this huge accumulated energy to serve for strengthening of statehood, that suddenly no door of frustration and losses open. I cannot assume personal responsibility and vote in favor of Mr. Pashinyan’s candidacy. Otherwise I will hypocritically violate my constitutional right of voting with conscience and conviction. Frankly speaking this isn’t an election, I am left with two options – vote either for Nikol or Pashinyan. I will not vote, but this is the other side of the issue. I am a Dashnak [ARF], I represent a party and a faction which has a decision on voting in favor. There is only one exit from this duality for me. If the party will demand, I am ready to resign,” Vardanyan said.

He added that he highly values Pashinyan’s selflessness and determination and believes in the honesty of his aspirations.

“But I have never been guided by persons, I haven’t accepted idols. I have a foreboding feeling. I can’t be sure in these conditions that this all isn’t the combination of difficult and multilayered scenarios of a greater game with with folds, interests and consequences yet unknown for me. Be sure that I never say anything without grounds. If these folds aren’t clear for me, I can’t rule out that they won’t have irreversible tragic consequences for my people, the wonderful youth [standing] in the square, for Artsakh, my statehood,” he said.

The ARF had earlier endorsed Pashinyan’s candidacy.