Categories: 2018

Azerbaijani press: Karabakh conflict settlement discussed at EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee meeting

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The process of negotiations on settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was discussed at the second session of the 15th meeting of the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in Baku on May 8, APAreports.


Addressing the meeting, Samad Seyidov, chairman of the Azerbaijani Parliament’s Committee on international and inter-parliamentary relations said that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict poses a threat to entire Europe.


Florian Carmona, representative of the European Parliament’s Secretariat Florian Carmona said that the European Parliament imparts political messages by adopting resolutions.


"However, we are unable to fulfill these resolutions. We must not allow double standards so that we can be a trustworthy partner. That’s what we are trying to achieve. We have also designated a special representative for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We want to be active in resolving the conflict, which affects us as well. We understand that stability in the region is important and Azerbaijan is a key partner in maintaining stability in the South Caucasus region. As for the Minsk Group, Russia is a co-chair of the group” he said.


First Vice Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament Ziyafat Asgarov disagreed with Florian Carmona.


"You are saying that your resolutions impart a political message. However, the European Union imposes sanctions after these resolutions. Why are no sanctions imposed on Armenia? On the other hand, France and the United States are also co-chairmen of the Minsk Group along with Russia,” he said.


Javanshir Feyziyev, Azerbaijani MP, Co-Chair of the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee said that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been going on for 30 years.


“People who were born during these 30 years in families of refugees and IDPs, have not yet been visited their native lands. We want acceptable peaceful path to be found for Azerbaijani and Armenian people. We are waiting for the support of the European Parliament in this direction. Azerbaijanis are impatiently watching the processes going on in Armenia. If these processes will help bring peace-loving forces to power in Armenia, peaceful negotiations can give results. If the conflict is not resolved peacefully, we will release our occupied lands by military means. Nobody doubts this in Azerbaijan. Perhaps, in Armenia, no one doubts this. This conflict also poses a threat to Europe,” he added.


Sajjad Karim, British MP, Chairman of the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee that the European Parliament has always demonstrated its formal position.


“We have always recognized Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. Armenia must understand that when changing its position, it can participate in regional cooperation. We are following changes in Armenia. We will support dynamics ensuring stability in the region,” he noted.

Jane Topchian: