Categories: 2018

Nakhchyvan has long-range missiles that can destroy any military target – Aliyev

Interfax – Russia & CIS Military Newswire
Wednesday 4:45 PM MSK
Nakhchyvan has long-range missiles that can destroy any military target – Aliyev
 BAKU. May 16
The Azerbaijani army in the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic is equipped with modern weapons to prevent enemy provocations and launch counterattacks, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said.
"We pay a lot of attention to the security of Nakhchyvan, which borders on Armenia, the strengthening of the military potential of the autonomous republic," Aliyev said on Wednesday during a visit there.
He said that Nakhchyvan's army, as an element of the Azerbaijani army, has advanced weapons and equipment.
"In the past few years, we've done a lot to reinforce the Azerbaijani army. The advanced military hardware we've acquired is also being sent to Nakhchyvan, given the location of the republic and its geography. The army in Nakhchyvan now has the capacity to avert any provocation of the enemy and conduct counterattacks. Nakhchyvan has weapons and long-range missiles that can destroy any military target of the enemy," the president said.
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Varazdat Torgomian: