Categories: 2018

A1+: Secretary Pompeo promises to study Armenian Genocide recognition issue (video)

Voice of America

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised to study the issue of the Armenian Genocide. Secretary of State said during the hearings in the US Congress, answering the Rhode Island congressman David Sisilini.

“As Secretary of State, will you do what many former secretaries have done, recognize the Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians during the First World War. Yes or no?”

“I cannot answer. I do not know the answer. I will study the issue,” the Secretary of State said.


Another Congressman from California, Brad Brenton Sherman, underlined that the US administration should prevent Turkey from selling US powerful F-35 fighter bombers. They were not weapons to fight terrorists, the congressman emphasized. Referring to the Armenian Genocide and the debate on the new bill, Brad Sherman said:

“I hope the US Department of State will at least neutralize Congressional decision on the memory of millions of Ottoman victims, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and Syrians at the beginning of the previous century.”

Lara Chatinian: