Alternative shipping routes through South Ossetia

RA Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan wrote on his Facebook page the following:

“Dear Compatriots,

“We can record another positive shift for economy and transport.

“Yesterday representatives of the Russian Federation and Georgia met in Prague and discussed the implementation of the agreement “On basic principles of customs administration and commodity trade monitoring mechanism” signed in 2011. The parties have agreed that a tripartite commission from Georgia, Russia and the Swiss company SGS should be formed for the customs control of cargo in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

“In case of the implementation of the agreement, we will have alternative ways of transportation, in cases where the Upper Lars highway is closed.

“We also talked about the implementation of the agreement with RF President Vladimir Putin during meeting in Sochi on May 14.

We highly appreciate the readiness and efforts of the parties to implement this contract, which is extremely important for us.”