Armenia, Yerevan flags wave in International Space Station, Armenia
Armenia, Yerevan flags wave in International Space Station (PHOTOS) Armenia, Yerevan flags wave in International Space Station (PHOTOS)

11:12, 24.05.2018


On the initiative of Armenian benefactor Hrachya Poghosyan of St. Petersburg, Russia, the flags of Armenia and capital city Yerevan were sent to the International Space Station (ISS), reported Novostnik.

At present, these flags are making their next orbit of Earth.

The Russian cosmonauts’ team in the ISS will return to Earth in September.

And in October, the centennial of the First Republic of Armenia and the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan will be celebrated in the capital city. 

A delegation from Russia will also take part in these celebrations. The aforesaid cosmonauts also will be in this delegation, and they will hand these flags to the leadership of Armenia and Yerevan.