Rep. Knight joins Armenian Caucus

Congressional Documents and Publications
Knight joins Armenian Caucus
Rep. Steve Knight (R-CA) News Release
Representative Steve Knight (R-CA) has joined the Congressional Armenian Caucus. With close associations with the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), the Armenian Caucus is comprised of a bipartisan group of lawmakers and coordinates advocacy for stronger American-Armenian relationships, religious liberty, and the acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide.
"I'm proud to join my colleagues on the Congressional Armenian Caucus," said Rep. Knight "America and Armenia share much in common, especially our mutual commitment to freedom of religion and individual liberties. It's also important to never forget atrocities like the Armenian Genocide so that we may always remain vigilant in ensuring they never happen again. Southern California has a large contingent of Armenian Americans, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the caucus to address these important issues."
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