Categories: 2018

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan’s congratulatory message on the last School Bell event

Dear school leavers,

I cordially congratulate you on the most exciting moment of life- the Last School Bell. During your school years you gained knowledge about our culture,history, language and literature, the world around you and various phenomena which will certainly be necessary at all stages of your life. I am sure that you will always remember your teachers with love and respect being grateful for everything good they have done for you so that you can build your future, become good specialists, good citizens and simply good people.
Dear teachers and parents,
The role you have had in upbringing and education of the younger generation throughout these years both at home and at school is really invaluable. Now it’s your children’s and pupils’ turn to justify your confidence and I am sure they will do it with honour.
Dear school-leavers,
On this unforgettable day I wish you to be healthy, ambitious and to go on enrich your knowledge and experience after leaving school contribution to the development and strengthening of our country and our 2800-year-old capital city Yerevan.

Arpi Talalian: