Categories: 1970

Wild West Telma

see attached Armenian and English news releases

picture caption- Telma at Wild Wild West Ultra Race


For Immediate Release
May 17, 2018
contact-Garen Yegparian

Wild West Telma

Lone Pine, CA – Two weeks ago, on Saturday, May 5, Telma Ghazarian Altoon ran 
the 50-mile Wild, Wild West race in the Alabama Hills near Lone Pine California.

Running this kind of course, the equivalent of roughly two marathons, in desert 
heat is just part of the intense training ultra-marathon runners undergo.  In 
this case, Telma is preparing for the Badwater 135 mile, 14,600 foot gain, race 
from the lowest point in North America to Whitney Portal, gateway to the 
highest point in the continental United States.  It is known as the world’s 
toughest footrace.

Along with a few other runners, she ended up running six extra miles, because 
of a wrong turn.  This is one of the risks of races in wilderness settings.  
Despite that snafu, she finished eighth among the women.  It is also important 
to note that not all participants are always able to finish the race.

The race location has stunning scenery.   The Alabama Hills are jumbled, 
ancient stone formations that protrude from the floor of California’s Owens 
valley.    As runners wend their way through these mounds of rocks, they are 
treated to views of the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range which serves as 
the backdrop.  This area has been used to film countless Western films.  In 
fact, there is now a museum dedicated to those films in the town of Lone Pine.

The temperatures on that day ranged from the low 40s (F) to the high 80s.  
“Part of the appeal of this race for me is its proximity to the location of the 
Badwater 135 race,” observed Telma.  “This way I got a feel for the area, the 
terrain, and can better prepare for the race.”  Since she is more frequently a 
participant in ultra races located in mountainous terrain, it is important for 
her to adapt to the desert’s conditions.

Telma is now in Armenia to continue her training while showing an 
ultra-marathon organizer the Armenian Highland’s beauty.  She will run the 
Janaparh Trail with Hans Keifer who is mountain biking it.  Hans is heavily 
involved in trail building in the Republic of Armenia and is training local 
residents in that specialized field of construction which is his business.

Details from the trip and more background will soon follow.



NR 02- Wild West Telma- Eng.docx


NR 02- Wild West Telma- pic- T at WldWldWst Ultra.JPG

JPEG image

Ani Tigranian: