Azerbaijani press: Turkey won’t open border as long as Armenia keeps unreasonable demands: analyst

1 June 2018 22:16 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, June 1

By Fikret Dolukhanov – Trend:

Turkey will not settle for opening the border with Armenia as long as Yerevan refuses to cease the occupation of Azerbaijani territories and unreasonable demands on Ankara, political scientist, Professor of the Western Caspian University Fikret Sadikhov told Trend June 1.

He noted that as long as Pashinyan refuses to stop the unreasonable demands, Ankara will not meet Yerevan halfway, because it would be contrary to the interests of Turkey.

"Pashinyan repeats word for word what his predecessor Sargsyan said about Turkey. Armenia is still putting forward territorial claims to Turkey and continues to impose on the world community an exaggerated thesis about the so-called genocide of 1915. Armenia has not left the occupied Azerbaijani territories," Sadikhov said.

He said in certain political circles of Turkey there may be pro-Armenian figures who do not look deeply into the essence of the issue, think differently, but Ankara will not take a step that would contradict the interests of the country.

"Turkey was ready to improve relations. The Zurich protocols were signed. But Armenia has not given up its demands, including the "genocide of 1915", territorial claims and unwillingness to leave the occupied Azerbaijani territories. How can Turkey meet half-way in such conditions?" said Sadikhov.

The political analyst noted that in general Pashinyan and his team have not yet decided on their priorities.

"It is very easy to make loud statements at the squares. When people come to power, it is necessary to be responsible for the words and to place certain accents. For example, immediately after the election, Pashinyan went to Russia and met with Putin, but appointed pro-Western people to positions in the government," Sadikhov said.

"It is clear that the entire economy, transportation network, the Armenian Armed Forces are in a state of dependence on Russia's position. However, by appointing pro-Western officials as the heads of ministries, Pashinyan emphasizes and sends a signal to Moscow that Armenia can turn its back on Russia and turn to the West at any time. This is inevitable, as Armenia needs external support, as the country is in a state of economic blockade."

Earlier, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated Armenia's readiness to establish relations with Turkey without preconditions. In turn, Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim said that if Armenia will cease to make any claims against Turkey and really sincerely wants to open a new page in relations with Turkey, Ankara could consider these proposals.

On March 1, 2018, Armenia announced the annulment of the protocols on the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations.

The protocols on normalization of relations between the two countries were signed by the foreign ministers of Turkey and Armenia on October 10, 2009, but have not been ratified.

Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that the predecessor of Turkey – the Ottoman Empire – committed the so-called genocide against the Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915.