Categories: 2018

Israel’s Knesset should recognize Armenian Genocide: Speaker sends letter to Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem

ArmenPress, Armenia
Israel's Knesset should recognize Armenian Genocide: Speaker sends letter to Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem

YEREVAN, MAY 31, ARMENPRESS. The Knesset (Parliament) of Israel should recognize the Armenian Genocide not based on political or diplomatic interests, but because it’s a right and moral step,Knesset SpeakerYuli Edelsteinsaid in a letter addressed to the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, reports Armenpress.

The text of the letter has been released by Chancellor of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Hovnan Baghdasaryan on Facebook.

“The issue of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide was not scheduled to be included in the Knesset agenda this week, therefore this issue has never been “rejected”. Moreover, I want to state I have not hindered to include the issue in the agenda, neither with my activity nor a hint. I do not refuse from any word I have said on the Armenian Genocide. Today as well I am committed to my stance on this issue which I have proved constantly during the passing years and my stance is that the Israeli Knesset should recognize the Armenian Genocide as it is a right and moral step, and it should not recognize it [the Genocide] based on political or diplomatic interests. I ask Your Beatitude to calm your mind. At a moment when we are convinced that there is a majority in the Knesset for this historic recognition, we will include the issue [the recognition of the Armenian Genocide] to the plenary session agenda”, the letter says.

The Knesset Speaker said he should do everything within his capacities for this purpose. He hopes his efforts will lead to a positive result.

“By our victory our Armenian friends will also win. I am not afraid of a long path”, the Knesset Speaker said.

Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian sent a letter to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelsteinexpressing his disappointment over the withdrawal of the Armenian Genocide recognition bill from the Knesset agenda.

The expected vote on recognizing the Armenian Genocide was not on the Knesset’s agenda for this week as of May 28. The vote on recognizing the Armenian Genocide was set for Tuesday, after a motion to do so by Meretz chairwoman MK Tamar Zandberg was approved. Zandberg accused Edelstein of putting politics ahead of morality, dismissing the Knesset Speaker’s words in favor of her motion.

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS