Pashinyan about meeting with Putin: I think that for this stage we have very good personal relations, which will only become better in time

Arminfo, Armenia
Pashinyan about meeting with Putin: I think that for this stage we have very good personal relations, which will only become better in time

 May 30


Naira Badalyan. "Armenia is Armenia, I think that the main feature of our state is that we are very sensitive to our sovereignty," Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview with DW, responding to a question about the fact that, despite the fact, that "often the Russian leadership reacts nervously to the change of power in other post-Soviet countries, in the case of Armenia, Vladimir Putin did not intervene in what is happening in the country."

Answering to the remark that the Prime Minister of Armenia, unlike many other leaders of civil protest, is very peace-loving towards the Russian Federation, Nikol Pashinyan stated: "I am speaking peaceably of all. Armenia is a peaceful country, we are a peace-loving nation. I hope that you have not noticed any aggressiveness towards, for example, the European Union, the US, Iran and Georgia, and other countries. "However, as Pashinyan emphasized, if necessary, Armenia can protect itself.

As Nikol Pashinyan noted, Yerevan has close relations with Moscow, which will become even deeper, good relations also with the EU, which Armenia intends to develop further. There is a desire to develop relations with the US, Iran, Georgia and with all countries that are interested in this.

According to the prime minister, during the first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on May 14 at the summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC), they spoke only of Armenian-Russian relations and multilateral relations within the framework of the EAEC and within the framework of the CSTO organization's agreements. "But we did not talk about the issues that relate to the relations between Armenia and the European Union, Armenia and the United States, and third countries." Frankly speaking, the summit itself was very pleasant, I think that for this stage we have very good personal relationships that will only become better over time, "he said.

At the same time, as the Armenian prime minister said, at the meeting with the Russian leader he raised the issue of the Karabakh settlement. "It is important to emphasize that the peaceful way to resolve the issue is the only way that can really lead to a solution." There is no force solution, I think this is a principled position, not only in Armenia, but also in Russia, "Pashinyan said. , the Armenian side also touched upon the issue of arms supplies to Azerbaijan from Russia. "We had a constructive discussion on this matter. I can not say what Putin said about this, "the Prime Minister of Armenia stated.