Categories: 2018

Artur Vanetsyan: We are not inclined to repressive acts (video)

NSS examines two problems in the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

The National Security Service has also begun to inquire into the Ministry of Emergency Situations. “There are two questions that are already in the National Security Service. The preliminary investigation will find all the circumstances, “said Minister of Emergency Situations Hrachya Rostomyan at a briefing with journalists in the National Assembly.

“We have received certain data on budget expenditures, a criminal case has been filed, an investigation is underway, I cannot report the process and other details,” added Arthur Vannetsyan, NSS chief.

Hrachya Rostomyan is pleased with his legacy from the previous minister. “The main problems are anti-hail stations: all seismic stations, hydrometers, their modernization, modernization of Crisis Management Center, and digitalization are the problems that we have to solve.”

“We are not inclined to repressive acts.”

The fight against corruption, according to the head of the National Security Service Artur Vanetsyan, starts from their own system. “Even in our sphere, if there is a corrupt man who even has been part of a corrupt chain, he will be immediately punished by the strictest law.”

Artur Vanesyan has a clear answer to the question why no arrests take place when large-scale checks were carried out and many violations were detected in the Yerevan City supermarket chain. “We are not inclined to initiate some repressive acts and arrest people. We are inclined to return the money stolen from the state in this or that way to the state budget. “

If damage to the state is restored, according to Artur Vanetsyan, the criminal case will be discontinued.

Emma Nadirian: