Categories: 2018

Estonia’s culture minister to visit Armenia, Georgia

Baltic News Service / – BNS
Monday 9:19 AM EET
Estonia's culture minister to visit Armenia, Georgia
TALLINN, Jun 11, BNS – Estonia's Minister of Culture Indrek Saar starts a three-day visit to Armenia and Georgia on Monday.
Saar will meet with his Armenian counterpart Lilit Makunc and Georgian colleague Mikheil Giorgadze, and attend concerts of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Estonian state, the Ministry of Culture said.
"This year is significant for Estonia, Armenia as well as Georgia, as all the three countries are marking centenaries of their independence," Saar said. "Our cultural relations with both countries have been good and strong, and there's much over which to rejoice together, to learn from one another and on which to build the future, basing on democratic values."
At Monday's meeting with Makunc in Yerevan Estonian-Armenian cultural cooperation will be under discussion. After that the Estonian minister will visit Yerevan's TUMO Center for Creative Technologies and attend the presentation of the Estonian version of Grigor Narekatsi's "Book of Lamentations" at which also Peeter Volkonski who translated the book into Estonian will be present.
In the evening Saar will deliver the opening remarks at the concert conducted by ERSO's honorary principal conductor Neeme Jarvi and present a letter of appreciation to Armenian composer Stepan Rostomjan in recognition of his contribution to Estonian-Armenian cultural relations.
On Wednesday Saar will meet in Tbilisi with the Georgian minister, Mikheil Giorgadze, to talk about bilateral cultural cooperation. On the preceding day the Estonian minister will have meetings with representatives of Georgian cultural organizations. The visit will likewise conclude with a concert by ERSO.
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