168: Parliament approves 2017 budget performance report


The parliament of Armenia voted to approve the 2017 state budget performance report.

65 MPs voted in favor and 23 MPs voted against.

Speaker of Parliament Ara Babloyan told lawmakers that at the recommendation of the government an extraordinary sitting will be held on June 19.

1 trillion 210 billion dram was planned in revenues, the adjusted plan increased it to 1 trillion 320 billion while factually 1 trillion 237 billion was ensured.

Spending was planned at 1 trillion 360 billion drams, the adjusted plan put the number at 1 trillion 561 billion and factually 1 trillion 504 billion drams was ensured.

The deficit was planned to be 150 billion drams, then 240 by the adjusted plan and it factually amounted to 267 billion drams.