168: Police Chief says testimonies incriminate MP Manvel Grigoryan’s wife


Police Chief of Armenia Valery Osipyan assures that the poilice force is detaining suspects only in case of having sufficient grounds.

Osipyan was speaking to reporters regarding the arrest of Nazik Amiryan, the wife of MP Manvel Grigoryan, the former general who is remanded in custody pending trial.

The Police Chief says there are testimonies incriminating Amiryan. Particularly, testimonies whereby Amiryan indeed instructed the drivers to load trucks with military supply food from the headquarters of the Yerkrapah Union.

Earlier on June 18, anti-corruption officers of police discovered two vargo vehicles loaded with military food supplies in a Yerevan parking lot. The drivers of the vehicles, members of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union – an NGO formerly chaired by the general – have claimed that they loaded the supplies – canned meat made for the military and not available for sale anywhere – at the instruction of Nazik Amiryan from the headquarters of Yerkrapah Volunteers Union on June 16. About 3000 cans were found in the cars.

Member of Parliament Manvel Grigoryan, the former general who is suspected in misappropriating military supplies and donations, as well as illegal possession of firearms, will remain in pre-trial detention for two months.