Aghasi Yenokyan: The authors of the Constitution, perhaps, were looking at the ceiling, it does not correspond to our public life, it must also be changed (video)

Political scientist Aghasi Yenokyan says minority governance in Armenia is anti-constitutional.

“The authors of the Constitution, perhaps, were looking at the ceiling, it does not correspond to our public life, it must also be changed.”

According to him, the Constitution of Armenia demands the policy to be based on parties, but the party system has not been formed in Armenia.

“At one time seemingly the most powerful impressive party is collapsing.”

Aghasi Yenokyan thinks that the Republican Party (RPA) may face major changes ahead of snap parliamentary elections.

“The RPA will be an absolutely different party, maybe it will come up with another ideology.”

According to the political scientist, it is impossible to make predictions about the results of the upcoming elections, as it is not known when and how to conduct them.

“We still do not have a new Electoral Code.”

He does not exclude that former Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan will form a new team and participate in the elections, the politician believes the participation of the founding parliament members is likely.

Touching upon the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization member countries in Yerevan on June 27 and the activities of Armenia within the framework of the structure, Aghasi Yenokyan notices that it is not only an economic but also a political structure as the Armenian side has repeatedly voiced the blockade of Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan.