Hasanov warns: Delaying resolution of Karabakh conflict leads to its resumption on a broader scale

Arminfo, Armenia
Hasanov warns: Delaying resolution of Karabakh conflict leads to its resumption on a broader scale

Yerevan June 30

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Delaying the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict leads to its resumption on a broader scale. This was stated during the regular meeting with the leadership of the Armed Forces by Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov.

"Delaying the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict leads to its escalation on a broader scale. The conflict must be resolved fairly and in accordance with international law as soon as possible. Otherwise, the enemy will feel the will, patriotism and strength of the Azerbaijani army", APA reports Hasanov as saying. Touching upon the large-scale military exercises to be held in the frontline zone on July 2-6 Hasanov noted that during the exercises the main attention should be focused on the use of troops and the performance of combat missions under various scenarios for the liberation of the ''occupied territories'', including the practical application of the most modern weapons and military equipment designed to destroy all enemy's military infrastructure.

ArmInfo did not manage to receive comment on these threats of the Azerbaijani side from the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. Meanwhile, earlier official Yerevan criticized Azerbaijan's intention to conduct large-scale exercises. For example, Spokesman of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Tigran Balayan, commenting to ArmInfo on the upcoming exercises, in particular, said: "Azerbaijan announced the holding of large-scale military exercises in July this year .In accordance with the fifth chapter of the OSCE Vienna Document, Azerbaijan was obliged to notify about the exercises for at least 42 days before they were held, which was not done. Azerbaijan permanently holds military exercises with violation of OSCE commitments, having a negative impact on military transparency and predictability in the region. The Armenian side consistently raises in the OSCE platform the issue of violations by Azerbaijan of arms control and measures to build confidence and security, stressing that by such irresponsible steps Azerbaijan plans to attract up to 20,000 personnel of the military, up to 120 tanks and other armored vehicles, more than 200 rocket-artillery installations of different caliber, rocket launcher systems and mortars, up to 30 units of army and front-line aviation for various purposes.