Categories: 2018

Agreement with EU to create favorable environment for development of Armenia-Poland ties – Ambassador Ghazaryan

ArmenPress, Armenia
July 3 2018
Agreement with EU to create favorable environment for development of Armenia-Poland ties – Ambassador Ghazaryan

YEREVAN, JULY 3, ARMENPRESS. The ratification of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) both at Poland’s Sejm and Senate took place in an atmosphere of complete solidarity and unity, Edgar Ghazaryan – Armenia’s Ambassador to Poland, said in an interview to ARMENPRESS.

-Mr. Ambassador, on June 7 the Polish Sejm, and on June 29 the Senate ratified the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement. What further processes are expected in this regard?

-First of all, I want to highlight an important factor that the ratification of the agreement both at Poland’s Sejm and Senate took place in an atmosphere of complete solidarity and unity. In particular, 429 MPs in the Sejm have voted in favor of the agreement (0 against, 1 abstained), and in the Senate the agreement has been adopted unanimously with 83 votes in favor. According to the Polish legislation, the final ratification of the agreement also supposes its signing by the President of the country. I think it will not late, and that important process will be completed soon in Poland.

-After signing the CEPA the Armenian foreign ministry’s leadership stated that this step opens new page in the Armenia-EU relations. In your opinion, what opportunities can this agreement provide to Armenia?

-The comment made by the Armenian foreign ministry, as you mentioned, already highlights the importance of that document, therefore, nothing can be added to that. I think it can be very useful not only in the Armenia-EU relations, but also in Armenia’s bilateral relations with the EU member states.

-What role Poland can play in this context, given the fact that the existing cooperation between Armenia and Poland continues growing?

-Firstly, Poland played a great role from the very start since it is one of the countries that initiated the EU’s Eastern Partnership program. Poland always acts not only from the positions on strengthening and developing the EU, but also significantly contributes to the development of cooperation with the EU and other countries. The relations between Armenia and Poland have always been at the high level. I am confident that the CEPA will create new, more favorable environment for development of bilateral relations between our two countries in different sectors.

Full interview is available in Armenian.

Interview by Anna Gziryan

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Alex Nanijanian: