Categories: 2018

Appathurai: NATO wants to deepen relations with Armenia even more

Arminfo, Armenia
July 3 2018
Appathurai: NATO wants to deepen relations with Armenia even more

Yerevan July 3

Mariana Mkrtchyan. The North Atlantic alliance wants to further deepen relations with Armenia and is ready to help the government of Nikol Pashinyan in expanding the reforms that have been launched. This was in an interview with Radio Azatutyun, Deputy Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Political Affairs James Appathurai said.

"I am unreservedly sure that after our power shift in Armenia our stable cooperation will continue, first of all, I would like to note that we sent a congratulatory message to the new Prime Minister and I believe that Armenia intends to continue the strong cooperation established over many years with NATO, and we welcome Armenia's contribution to peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan and the Western Balkans. "Armenia really played a very important role, and we recognize it," Appathurai said.

Referring to the visit of the Armenian prime minister to Brussels (July 11-12 – Ed.) And his participation in the NATO summit, the deputy assistant secretary general for political issues, said: "Yes, the Prime Minister of Armenia will participate in the summit, and although I do not know for sure, but I hope that he will also have the opportunity to exchange views with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. "

Mr. Appathurai stressed that the Alliance would like to continue to assist Armenia and the reforms launched by the new authorities. "The new government has adopted a policy of reform, for example, it is fighting corruption, we have a special program aimed at reducing corruption risks in the defense sphere, which can be useful to the new government of Armenia in order to further expand this struggle," he concluded. .

Raffi Khondkarian: