Categories: 2018

We will consistently return what has been robbed regardless of robber’s name and last name – PM Pashinyan


The Armenian government will consistently search for each resource stolen from the people, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during the meeting with the Meghri residents.

“We cannot arrest all, but all those who stole from the people, must be arrested. It would be a disgrace for me if someone will be a political prisoner under my leadership, for us the values, the legality are important, we are not going to replace someone’s robbery with ours, monopoly with our monopoly. We are going to search for any money stolen from the people in accordance with the law and be sure that we will do that”, the PM said.

Nikol Pashinyan said the government will make all efforts to return any money stolen from Armenia to the state budget, and here the leadership needs the people’s support. “The firmer you stand by this process, we will consistently move forward, I will not stop before anything. I have obligations before you that we should return consistently what has been robbed, regardless of the name/surname of the robber”, Nikol Pashinyan said.

Ara Felekian: