Categories: 2018

168: We are not targeting someone’s family or individual – PM Pashinyan on recent discoveries


The new leadership of Armenia is not targeting someone’s family or an individual, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told reporters in Areni, commenting on the recent discoveries linked with the family of Alexander Sargsyan, brother of third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

The PM announced that after these events Serzh Sargsyan or anyone else didn’t try to contact him. “I want to clarify that we are not targeting someone’s family or an individual. We are moving forward based on the calls, applications and operative information of law enforcement agencies. The task is put in a different manner: there should be legality in the country, and the law enforcement agencies should work effectively”, Pashinyan said, adding that as a result of these operations several dozen million USD will enter to the state budget.

Commenting on the situation in the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, he said he is being reported on the situation every day. “There is certain political and military-political tension, and everything is said by this. I want for us neither to overestimate nor underestimate this situation. All leaderships of Armenia have always stated that in fact we don’t have a peace agreement with Azerbaijan, we just have a ceasefire and constant ceasefire violations since its establishment”, he said.

Talking about the agenda of the upcoming visit to Brussels, Pashinyan said: “We are carrying out peacekeeping missions within NATO and this event is also dedicated to that mission. The agenda within the EU is the issue of our bilateral relations, implementation of signed contacts and further cooperation”.

Vanyan Gary: