Vardan Geravetyan not to struggle anymore (video)

Just two years ago on July 17, members of the armed group “Sasna Tsrer” captured and kept the territory of the police patrol service regiment for two weeks.

There was also a civil activist Vardan Geravetyan, who has been in custody for the fifth day after paying AMD 1 million pledge. The preventive measure against him was changed. Vardan Geravetyan struggled for 11 years for his home in Teryan 23, which was recognized as a dominant public interest and subject to demolition. The activist joined “Sasna Tsrer” after all means of struggle were exhausted and problems were resolved.

“The robbery regime that existed was anti-national, and now what we see does not surprise me, there was no elementary behavior. The slander reached its peak,” Vardan Geravetyan mentioned in an interview with” A1 +”.

Three policemen were killed during the operation of “Sasna Tsrer”. Vardan Geravetyan was then ready for self-sacrifice. “From the very beginning, we have always been warned that we have no problems with you, no one will shoot you, nobody will harm you, do not resist, you are the bludgeon of this government. You do not want to live well, because you are Serzh Sargsyan’s legs and hands, many have perceived that if not it would be more bloodthirsty.

“To tell the truth, I did not think about the victims, I was ready to sacrifice my life. We were all guilty gfor the  things happening in our country. “