Categories: 2018

Russian expert: Russia as a strategic ally should give Armenia clear guarantees of its security

Arminfo, Armenia
Russian expert: Russia as a strategic ally should give Armenia clear guarantees of its security

Yerevan July 17

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The practical aspect of the Armenian-Russian relations needs to be strengthened, Russian expert in the field of politics, defense and security Grigory Trofimchuk expressed this opinion during the round table "Youth and Humanitarian Dimension of the EEU Space" held on July 17 in Yerevan.

According to him, the Armenian-Russian relations have a solid foundation, reflected in a number of blocks, including the CSTO, the EEU. "The potential for further cooperation is solid, but it is necessary to strengthen the practical aspect so that every citizen of Armenia feels all the positive results that the official Yerevan enjoys due to its membership the Eurasian Economic Union," the Russian expert said. At the same time, he added that this should be expressed, including in the form of lower prices for essential goods. Trofimchuk also expressed his conviction that it is necessary to eliminate all the elements of mistrust existing in Armenia and Armenian society in relation to Russia, a strategic ally. In addition, he believes that at the expert level, the interests of Armenia should be defended more actively. "Moreover, the Armenian society should receive clear answers to the raised questions so that there will not be disintegration activities. An important element of our relations is ensuring stability in the South Caucasus," the expert said, and in this context recalled the escalation of the situation in the Karabakh conflict zone in April 2016, which was stopped due to the efforts of Russia. However, Trofimchuk expressed his conviction that the frozen situation can not last forever, and the more the situation remains unresolved, the more it carries threats, including for the Armenian-Russian relations.

The Russian expert believes that Russia, as a strategic ally, should give Armenia clear guarantees of security. "All kinds of statements, especially from the Russian side, such as ' Armenians have occupied the Russian media' are not acceptable. In addition, we do not need experts who during the visit to Azerbaijan make one statement, while during the visit to Armenia state the opposite, such practice harms security. There should be experts who express a clear position that fits into the triangle of Armenia-Russia- Azerbaijan relations, "he said.

Trofimchuk also pointed at the concealment of the fact that the EEU is not the USSR, which creates grounds for anti-propaganda.

Garnik Tadevosian: