Categories: 2018

Pashinyan is puzzled that there are still officials in EU who do not notice changes taking place in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Pashinyan is puzzled that there are still officials in EU who do not notice changes taking place in Armenia

July 20

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Armenia did nothing and will not do it for the sake of financial assistance from outside. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan at a meeting with journalists on July 20, referring to his statement made at the Brussels airport on relations with the EU.

"During all the meetings held within the framework of my visit to Brussels, I clearly stated that, firstly, democracy is not an element of foreign policy orientation for us, it is our belief and faith.

And the processes that have taken place recently in Armenia have demonstrated that this is the embodiment of the political values of our people. Secondly, over the years the EU has stated that it builds relations with the Eastern Partnership countries conditionally speaking by the formula "Greater in exchange for more." Moreover, it concerned the values known to us – democracy, independent judiciary, transparency, the rule of law, the fight against corruption, "Pashinyan said.

At the same time, he noted that before his visit to Brussels, the European Union declared its readiness to assist Armenia in some way. The head of government stressed that in the course of his well-known statement, he expressed bewilderment that the formula proposed by the EU in fact does not work. "And I am amazed that a number of European officials, during meetings with me, say that they expect changes in Armenia both today and today, and I am surprised that there are still officials in the EU who do not notice the changes that have In order to make everything clear, I gave specific examples, in particular, I informed that today's government, in two months or even a month, without spending a penny, has done more in the area of fighting corruption, than was done in the interaction with the EU by the former government, spending tens of millions of euros on it. I just said it, "Pashinyan assured.

At the same time, he once again stressed that Armenia did nothing, and will not do for the sake of financial assistance. The head of the Armenian government noted that all that the present authorities are doing, she is doing for the sake of her people and the realization of the mandate that she received from the people. "I want this position to be clear, and we clearly sent our messages to our partners, and we stressed that this is our position and they should get used to it," the Armenian Prime Minister summed up.

Alex Nanijanian: