Categories: 2018

The sooner early elections take place, the greater success incumbent government will have – says expert


There is nothing strange in what happened in Panik village, political analyst Alexander Iskandaryan said at a press conference referring to the Russian military drills in the Armenian village.

“This is a very small event. Such incidents have taken place and will take place again. You can’t avoid this,” he said.

According to him the Armenian-Russian relations will not be affected after the incident. He said the relations will remain the same.

“The Armenian-Russian relations are ready for such incidents.

Iskandaryan also talked about the upcoming early parliamentary elections and the Yerevan City Council elections. According to him a power change will take place in the Yerevan City Council too: the Republicans will transfer their position to the political force of PM Nikol Pashinyan.

“Yerevan is 1/3rd of Armenia, and having power here is a very serious priority for any political force. I don’t believe that after the elections people outside the current government will have office in the Yerevan City Council,” he said.

He expressed a similar viewpoint on the parliamentary elections also.

“In addition to Civil Contract party the two other parties would be better off by running under an alliance because this way their chances of appearing in the parliament will be higher. While Civil Contract needs to take someone with it to parliament to have a coalition partner in the future,” Iskandaryan said.

The sooner the early elections take place the greater success the incumbent government will have from the revolutionary euphoria, according to him.

Jirair Kafian: