Categories: 2018

New Armenian Prime Minister’s Exclusive English-language Interview Airs on Al Jazeera


New Armenian Prime Minister’s Exclusive English-language Interview Airs on Al Jazeera

Armenian News Network / Armenian News


(Yerevan) – The Republic of Armenia’s newly elected Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s first full-length, English-language interview will broadcast on Al Jazeera’s flagship interview program “Talk to Al Jazeera” this weekend.


The half-hour, one-on-one conversation between Al Jazeera’s Robin Forestier-Walker and Prime Minister Pashinyan will broadcast into 290 million homes on Saturday, July 28th at 0430 GMT. For western U.S. audiences, the broadcast time is Friday, July 27 at 9:30 PM Pacific. For eastern U.S. audiences, the airtime is Friday, July 27 at 6:30 PM Eastern).

ROBIN-NIKOL:Robin Forestier-Walker interviewing Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for “Talk to Al Jazeera”


“Nikol Pashinyan’s eyes gleam with the zeal of someone who has defied expectations and intends to do it again and again,” said Forestier-Walker following his interview. “He has made a smooth transition from rugged revolutionary to suited statesman.”


During the weeks leading up to the election of Pashinyan as Prime Minister, Al Jazeera’s Forestier-Walker, correspondent Natasha Ghoneim, Senior Producer Paul Chaderjian, cameremen Nick Porter, Jamil Bassil and Fadi Elbenny and local journalists Zara Poghosyan and Maria Titizian chronicled the mass civil disobedience campaign, the daily protests, the arrest and release of Pashinyan, the issues prompting hundreds of thousands to take to the streets, the plight of those struggling with the fledgling republic’s poverty and the branding of the ‘Velvet Revolution.’

PAUL-NIKOL:Al Jazeera Senior Producer Paul Chaderjian with Prime Minister Pashinyan


Among the stories reported by Al Jazeera’s teams in Yerevan were those of the student activists involved in the protests, the resignation of former President and Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan, the two meetings of Armenia’s National Assembly and the eventual election of Mr. Pashinyan as the country’s interim Prime Minister. 


Al Jazeera also profiled and collaborated with the alternative media organizations covering the revolution online including EVN Report, HETQ, CivilNet and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Armenian service, Azatutyun TV.


In addition to hourly live and taped reports from Yerevan, Gyumri and Metsamor, Al Jazeera featured the revolution on three half-hour programs – two episodes of “Inside Story” and the interactive “Stream.” The story was also a regular part of Al Jazeera’s NewsGrid, which logs hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and Facebook.


Guests featured throughout Al Jazeera’s coverage included activist and rock phenomenon Serj Tankian; activist and actress Arsinee Khanjian; Civilitas Foundation founder and former Foreign Minister and former parliament member Vartan Oskanian; Director of the University of Southern California's Institute of Armenian Studies Salpi Ghazarian; South Caucasus Director of Human Right Watch Giorgi Gogia; President of the International Center for Human Development Tevan Poghosyan; Richard Giragosian, Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center; and Lilit Gevorgyan, Russia and Caucasus Analyst and Country Risk Analyst at global information provideo IHS Markit.


Viewers who don’t have access to Al Jazeera on over-the-air, cable or satellite services can stream this weekend’s “Talk to Al Jazeera” interview with Mr. Pashinyan live via the internet at this address:https://www.aljazeera.com/live/


Forestier-Walker asked Prime Minister Pashinyan about his people’s expectations following the unprecedented ‘Velvet Revolution’ which toppled the ruling Republic Party’s government and paved the way for Pashinyan’s election his country’s interim leader. The Prime Minister also addressed his government’s battle against corruption and dismantling the oligarchic systems that have monopolized his country’s economy.


“In our interview he chose his words carefully and concisely despite limitations with his English vocabulary and the over abiding impression: that this revolution is only just getting going – and nothing – if he has anything to do with it – will derail it,” said Forestier-Walker.

TEAM AJE: (from left to right) Al Jazeera Senior Cameraman Jamil Bassil, Al Jazeera Senior Producer Paul Chaderjian, Al Jazeera Central Asia Reporter Robin Forestier-Walkerand Cameraman Iago Gogilashviliat the Cafesjian Center for the Arts at the Cascade in Yerevan


Al Jazeera asked the Prime Minister what has changed since he assumed his new role and what’s ahead for a country that continues to struggle with poverty, a frozen-conflict with Azerbaijan and closed borders with Turkey.


Pashinyan told Al Jazeera he is ready to meet Azerbaijan’s President face-to-face to resolve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and that Armenia is ready to establish a diplomatic relationship with Turkey without any precondition and that its side of the border with Turkey has never been closed.


He told Robin Forestier-Walker that the revolution now guarantees all Armenian citizens equality under the law and equal playing field for all businesses. His message to those who want to do business with Armenia and in Armenia is that his government guarantees the security of any investment.


Nikol Pashinyan’s interview with Al Jazeera will rebroadcast twice on Sunday, July 29 at 08:30 GMT and again at 19:30 GMT. The fourth replay of the program will be on Monday July 29 at 14:30 GMT.


The weekly “Talk to Al Jazeera” broadcasts highlight global leaders, icons, influencers, and alternative voices shaping our times. 


After the broadcast, Talk To Al Jazeera’s interview with Armenia’s Prime Minister will be online at this address:https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/talktojazeera/



Nikol Pashinyan on Al Jazeera

Saturday, July 28, 04:30 GMT

Sunday, July 29, 08:30 GMT

Sunday, July 29, 19:30 GMT

Monday, July 29, 14:30 GMT


Full episode online after broadcast:



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