Categories: 2018

Four Armenian officers joining Noble Partner-2018 drills in Georgia

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – A group of four Armenian offiecers will participate in the Noble Partner – 2018 drills, set to be held in neighboring Georgia on August 1-15, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Troops and military hardware from NATO member states and Georgia’s allies have already arrived in the country’s Black Sea port of Poti.

The Armenian servicemen will be among more than 3,000 troops training in command and field drills under the leadership of the Georgian Armed Forces and US Army Europe.

In the fourth edition of the exercise, service members from 13 NATO and allied countries will be involved in drills in Tbilisi.

Also, the gathering will feature troops from the US, the United Kingdom, Germany, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine and Armenia.

Suren Karakhanian: