Categories: 2018

Int’l Day of Friendship to be celebrated in Armenia for first time

Panorama, Armenia

July 30 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Friendship. This day is celebrated through festivities, friend gatherings, wine and joy in numerous countries across the world.

The UN resolution (A/RES/65/275) adopted in 2011 declared 30 July as the day of friendship and solidarity promotion.

The holiday is set to be celebrated in Armenia this year for the first time, the Eurnekian group of companies said in a statement.

The Eurnekian group and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have launched the “Friendship Day in Armenia” program in an attempt to add a new ‘wonderful and joyous’ holiday to the Armenian calendar, the statement said. 

“Friendship does not recognize sex, age, social status or any other difference that can exist between members of the same community. It is for ALL and is based on the principle of EQALITY.

"The events organized by the involved companies have already launched in Armenia,” the group said, calling on everyone to join the celebrations. 

Adrine Hakobian: