Categories: 2018

Ara Babloyan and Sergio Mattarella discussed issues of Armenian-Italian cooperation

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 1 2018
Ara Babloyan and Sergio Mattarella discussed issues of Armenian-Italian cooperation

Yerevan July 31

Tatevik Shahunyan. On July 31, NA President Ara Babloyan met with President of the Italian Republic Sergio Matarella, who arrived in Yerevan on a state visit. The meeting took place in an expanded format. Sergio Mattarella. Greeting the guests in the National Assembly, the head of the parliament expressed hope that the visit of Sergio Matarella will give a new impetus to the centuries-old Armenian-Italian relations.

The NA Speaker appealed to the development of parliamentary diplomacy and the promotion of the activity of friendship groups, as well as the need for effective interaction on international platforms. In this context, Babloyan stressed that the parliamentary system of governance in both countries provides broad opportunities for cooperation. According to the head of the legislative body, the study of the fruitful experience of the Italian parliamentary government may prove useful for Armenia.

Speaking about the RA-EU comprehensive and expanded partnership agreement, the NA Speaker expressed hope for Italy's ratification of the document by the Italian Senate as soon as possible, which will be an additional impetus for further deepening of bilateral relations. Babloyan stressed that both countries unite and strengthen the relations of the Armenian community of Italy and common historical, cultural, civilization and democratic values in every possible way.

Touching upon the process of peaceful settlement of the NK problem, the President of the National Assembly highly appreciated the balanced position of the Italian Republic on this issue. The head of the parliament assured that irrespective of the political changes in Armenia, the Armenian-Italian relations will continue to develop and deepen. The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, thanked for the warm welcome, expressed his readiness to consolidate the centuries-old friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Armenia. Mr. Mattarella stressed the importance of intensifying cooperation at inter- parliamentary platforms, the joint work of the parliamentary friendship groups, as well as mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. In this vein, the President noted that Italy will promote ratification of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Expanded Partnership Agreement, which, in his opinion, will further strengthen Armenia-EU relations. At the end of the meeting Sergio Mattarella made an entry in the Book of Honored Guests of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.

Ophelia Vardapetian: