Categories: 2018

Azerbaijani Press: President Aliyev: Azerbaijan to continue policy of Armenia’s isolation

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Aug 1 2018

1 August 2018 20:04 (UTC+04:00)                                     

    Baku, Azerbaijan, Aug. 1

    Azerbaijan will continue to pursue the policy of isolation and, by using all means, will further shake Armenia, President Ilham Aliyev said.

    President Aliyev made the remarks in Baku Aug. 1 at a ceremony to give out apartments and cars to the people disabled in the Karabakh war, Great Patriotic War, the Chernobyl disabled, and families of martyrs.

    "If the Armenian leadership continues to drag out negotiations, we will continue to pursue our policy of isolation and, by using all means, will further shake Armenia," the president said.

    President Aliyev stressed that Azerbaijan also played a significant role in the collapse of the criminal junta regime in Armenia.

    Karapet Navasardian: