Categories: 2018

Maria Zakharova: Russia historically proved to be responsible intermediary in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 1 2018
Maria Zakharova: Russia historically proved to be responsible intermediary in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement

Yerevan July 31

Naira Badalian. Russia in every possible way welcomes contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, contributing to the development of a mutually respectful dialogue between the two countries, Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated in an interview to Sputnik Azerbaijan.

"Moscow welcomes contacts between Baku and Yerevan, and we are sincerely glad that these contacts continue on the agreement of the two sides, and we have always welcomed and always contributed to the development of a mutually respectful dialogue between the two countries. We have always considered that through dialogue, through stimulation of this communication between the two capitals and the achievement of positive results, it is possible to move forward and resolve the existing problematic issues. Russia, being a mediator in the settlement of the Karabakh problem, as well as friend of both Armenia and Azerbaijan is interested in the settlement'', Zakharova said. At the same time, as she pointed out, historically, Russia has proved to be a responsible intermediary, who repeatedly demonstrated in practice its constructive intermediary role. "This will continue in the future," she added in response to a request to comment on the recent statement of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that "Russia has all the levers, all the possibilities to prevent the war in Karabakh."

Moscow clearly states its official position related to the Karabakh settlement. This position is consistent, Zakharova believes. The representative of the foreign ministry also touched upon the recent visit to Azerbaijan of a group of Russian experts and deputies who visited positions on the contact line with Karabakh and voiced a number of statements in support of the "territorial integrity of Azerbaijan." According to Zakharova, in any country with a democratic society, there are many experts and politicians who express their point of view. This is not a state opinion, but they have the right to express it. "But every time questions arise about Moscow's official stance, you can be sure that our position on the Karabakh issue is clear, it has never been ambiguous, has never been aimed at flirting, all efforts have been focused on an intermediary role, the ultimate goal of which is the achievement of mutually acceptable agreements, "Zakharova added.

As of today, consist¥ncy of stances of the large states and major players in international affairs is one of the most important factors of world stability. And Russia is among these states, she added. According to her, both Baku and Yerevan know that Moscow is a reliable partner in this sense. The parties have confidence in Moscow and its role.

Samvel Nahapetian: