Categories: 2018

Western Prelacy News – 8/3/18

August 3, 2018 
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: info@westernprelacy.org
Website: www.westernprelacy.org


        We hereby announce to our faithful that by the decision of H.E.
Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and the Religious and Executive
Councils, Archpriest Fr. Vahan Gosdanian has been appointed Parish Pastor of
St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas as of August 1st, 2018. He will be replacing
Rev. Fr. Arsen Kassabian, who has served as Parish Pastor since 2013.
        On Sunday, August 5, the Prelate will preside over Divine Liturgy at
St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas to introduce the new Parish Pastor to the
congregation. Fr. Vahan will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy and deliver
his first sermon at the parish.  
        Fr. Vahan was ordained to the priesthood in 1993. He previously
served as Parish Pastor of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena
(presently St. Sarkis Church) and Holy Trinity Church of Fresno. 
        We wish Fr. Vahan success in his new mission.  



        On Tuesday, July 31, 2018, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, welcomed to the Prelacy Armenia's new Diaspora Minister Mkhitar
Hayrapetyan, who is on first official visit to the United States. The
Minister was joined by his assistant Mr. Vagharshak Hakobyan and Counsellor
at the Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles Mr. Razmik Stepanyan. His
Eminence was joined by Vicar General Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Religious
Council Chair Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Central Executive member Mr.
Gaidzag Zetlian, ARF Central Committee member Mr. Levon Kirakosian,
Executive Council Chair Mr. Garo Eshgian and members, and members of the
Ladies Auxiliary.
        The visit began with a prayer at the "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen"
Chapel, and continued at the "Sulahian" reception hall. Following
introductions, the Prelate welcomed the Minister and guests on behalf of the
Prelacy family and noting that he has been closely following the positive
changes in Armenia wished for our compatriots to live a free, independent,
safe, and good life in our motherland. His Eminence gave a brief overview of
the Prelacy's mission and endeavors over the past forty-five years,
expressed hope that the visit will be a new beginning for stronger
collaboration and strengthening of ties between Armenia, Artsakh, and the
Diaspora, and wished the Minister great success in his new mission.
        Remarks were delivered by Mr. Garo Eshgian, who affirmed the
Prelacy's support for the government and people of Armenia, and by Bishop
Torkom Donoyan, Mr. Gaidzag Zetlian, Mr. Levon Kirakosian, and Executive
Council Vice-Chair Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian, all of whom commended the
Minister and the efforts of the Ministry and conveyed well wishes. 
        Mr. Hayrapetyan expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and
sentiments. He highlighted the role of the Armenian Church in the
preservation and advancement of our heritage in the Diaspora and its unique
role throughout history in that regard. He stressed the importance of unity,
collaboration, and productivity, commended the leadership of Diaspora
institutions, such as the Prelacy, which aptly fulfill their role and
mission to bridge the people with our nation and heritage. 
        A discussion followed, during which the Minister thoroughly and
openly answered all questions and suggestions. The visit concluded with an
exchange of mementos.
        On the evening of Monday, July 30 a community town hall hosted by
Mayor Zareh Sinanyan under the auspices of the Ministry of Diaspora and the
Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles was held at Pacific Community
Center in Glendale. In the afternoon, a luncheon hosted by Armenia Fund in
honor of the Minister was held at Los Angeles Club. The Prelate attended
both events. On Sunday afternoon, the ARF Central Committee hosted a
reception at Holy Martyrs Church "Dikranian" Hall, which the Vicar General



        Under the auspices of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, on Monday,
July 30, 2018, the Summer Academy for Youth convened at the Catholicosate of
Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon with the participation of nearly 20 youth from
the Prelacies of the Eastern U.S., Western U.S., and Canada. The aim of the
Academy is to introduce participants to the Bible, Armenian Christianity and
the Church, as well as address various contemporary moral and ethical
issues. Stole-bearers Gary Markarian (Holy Martyrs Church, Encino), Vartan
Baltayan (St. Sarkis Church, Pasadena), Hrag Harboyan (Holy Cross Cathedral,
Montebello), and Menas Arisian (Holy Trinity Church, Fresno) are
participating from the Western Prelacy. 
        His Holiness presided over the opening session where he addressed
the participants and delivered the first lecture of the Academy titled "The
Armenian Church in World Christendom." Lecturers Very Rev. Fr. Boghos
Tinkjian, Very Rev. Fr. Zareh Sarkissian, Prof. Teni Pirri- Simonian and
Prof. Joe Pirri participated.
        In his message to the youth, His Holiness stressed that though they
come from different communities they belong to one nation and one church,
adding that each participant will enrich the Academy with their unique
experiences and input. His Holiness stated that though the Academy is an
opportunity for the youth to increase their knowledge, it is important that
they implement what they learn in their service, adding, "Service within the
Armenian Church is not limited to serving at the altar; it extends to active
participation in the life of the Armenian nation." In his lecture, His
Holiness touched on the history of the Armenian Church, ecumenical and
inter-faith relations, social issues, and contribution to the Armenian
Cause. These topics will be discussed in further detail by the
aforementioned lecturers as well as by Dr. Mohammed Sammak, Dr. Nora
Bayrakdarian, Mrs. Seta Kedeshian, and Dr. Hovannes Geokjian. His Holiness
also spoke briefly about the Armenian community in Lebanon and the Church's
role in community life. 
        Participants had the opportunity to become acquainted with one
another and received a tour of the Catholicosate and its various
departments. At the session's conclusion, the youth engaged in a dialogue
with His Holiness. 


Liana Toganian: