Larisa Alaverdyan about Kocharyan’s case: The process is undergoing with violations of human rights (video)

Human rights defender Larisa Alaverdyan condemns that many blamed Robert Kocharyan’s lawyers for defending him. Also, she considers the SIS’s public statements wrong, as they will have an impact on the case study.

She considers that the attorney should not be identified with the accused, and Armenia should overcome this problem as soon as possible.

“I fully agree with Hayk Alumyan. It is not me that have to present his professional knowledge and honesty. As well as Aram Orbelyan, who is also involved in the case. He is a brilliant expert in international law. This shameful campaign against advocates is not good,” says Larisa Alaverdyan.

The former human rights defender also emphasized that such cases should be examined perfectly to reach a good result. She thinks that there should not be haste, otherwise Robert Kocharyan’s rights are violated. According to her, the human factor is the reason of such haste as they want to express their loyalty to the new authorities as soon as possible. It is possible that the new authorities also have the same haste, and they also want to prove to the public very quickly.