Categories: 2018

Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II holds meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (photos)


His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, on August 25 met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Mother See reported.

His Holiness Garegin II said the German Chancellor’s visit to Armenia will give new impetus to the development of the partnering relations of the two countries.

His Holiness touched upon the challenges facing Armenia and the recent political changes, stating that the Armenian people make efforts to build peaceful, secure life with hope and optimism, as well as are ready to overcome all difficulties.

He affirmed that the Armenian Church as well should continue making efforts on this path by supporting the Armenian leadership.

Garegin II expressed his gratitude to the German people for the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, stating that only through this way it is possible to rule out similar crimes in the world.

In her turn Chancellor Angela Merkel said she is happy to visit the spiritual center of the Armenian people. She introduced His Holiness Garegin II on her impressions from the visit and meetings in Armenia.

She stated that her visit coincided with the recent changes in Armenia, adding that Germany would like to be a friend and partner on this path and reaffirms readiness to expand the partnership in different sectors.

During the meeting His Holiness Garegin II also thanked the German authorities in the person of Angela Merkel for the warm attitude towards the Armenian community.

The sides also exchanged views on the current situation of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. His Holiness expressed his concerns over the militaristic statements of the Azerbaijani leadership which greatly endangers the peaceful settlement prospects of the conflict. Garegin II considered unacceptable the provocation of hatred and hostility by Azerbaijan towards Armenians.

Garegin II handed over a book to Chancellor Merkel which tells about the consistent elimination of Armenian historical-cultural and spiritual values in current Azerbaijan’s territory.

He expressed hope that the Karabakh conflict will be settled peacefully by the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group and international community.

During the meeting they also expressed concerns over the restrictions of rights of Christian minorities in Turkey.

Chancellor Merkel stated Germany will also make efforts to contribute to solving the aforementioned issues. She also thanked for hosting and assisting the Syrian refugees.

The meeting was also attended by Armenia’s foreign minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ambassadors of the two countries, as well as several clergymen.

Boris Nahapetian: