Categories: 2018

“Germany will support Armenia” – German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit

JAM News
Aug 25 2018

Chancellor Merkel spoke about liberalizing the EU visa policy, the settlement of the Karabakh conflict and the reforms currently being implemented in the country

German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Armenia on a two-day official visit. She was met by the country’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the Yerevan airport.

Info: Armenia and Germany established diplomatic relations in 1992. Since then, relations between Yerevan and Berlin have grown dynamically. The trade turnover between the countries amounted to USD 339 million in 2017. Germany is one of Armenia’s five top trade and economic partners.

Chancellor Merkel made her first trip off the tarmac to the Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. She laid flowers at the fire and planted a tree in the alley of memory.

“In accordance with the letter and spirit of this resolution, I visited Tsitsernakaberd today. We are aware of what terrible events occurred in 1915. This fact should not be forgotten. This issue is not a legal problem for me,” Merkel said a few hours later to journalists.

Tatoyan Vazgen: