Categories: 2018

Parliament Speaker Babloyan and PM Pashinyan hold meeting


The meeting of Speaker of the Parliament Ara Babloyan and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was held on August 27.

The Speaker made the initiative to meet earlier with the statement issued on the country’s domestic political situation.

During the meeting the leaders of the executive and legislative powers in particularly stated:

. Regardless of political views everyone in Armenia has a right to freedom of _expression_ and different opinion

. Independence of judiciary is a key guarantee for ensuring justice in the country, therefore the separation and balance mechanism of legislative, executive and judicial powers should not be undermined in any case
. Armenia’s judicial system has not yet exhausted itself with its all tools in the implementation of justice, nevertheless, if the sides come to a conclusion based on the political discussions that there is a need for “transitional justice” institute, it should be carried out by the changes of the Constitution and the respective legislative field and must not harm the justice in any case.

. According to the Government’s program, approved by the Parliament on 07.06.2018, the snap parliamentary elections must be held at least within a year. In case of holding the snap parliamentary elections through Constitutional changes, the referendum institute can be the most democratic one among the series of mechanisms, as the Constitution, that is subject to change, has been adopted by a referendum. Nevertheless, the choice of any option on this issue should be made based on broad public and political discussions. Such opportunities are not exhausted both in the Parliament and broad public circles.

Albert Nalbandian: