Categories: 2018

Environmentalists: After a while, the water of Sevan will not even be used for irrigation (video)

Members of “T.O.T Sevan” initiative held a protest action in front of the National Assembly in support of Lake Sevan.

They protest against the draft law “On making changes in RA Law on Approving Annual and Complex Programs for Restoration, Preservation, Reproduction and Usage of Lake Sevan Ecosystem.”

The action participants noted that if the law is adopted, it will be a real disaster for Sevan.

According to environmentalists, at this moment, the balance of Lake Sevan is negative. In case of excessive water loss, Lake Sevan will be in danger. This year’s water pollution and its algae were no coincidence. After a while, the water of Sevan will not even be used for irrigation.

The participants of the action are sure that taking water from Sevan will not help the Ararat province villagers solve their problems, as these problems are not related to the water intake but to poor management. According to another opinion, the water will be used to operate the Hydroelectric Power Station.

Lara Chatinian: