Republican Party will not nominate candidate for Yerevan Mayor at upcoming elections – Vice Speaker Sharmazanov


The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) will not nominate a candidate for mayor during the upcoming Yerevan City Council elections, Vice Speaker of the Parliament Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters. He clarified that they see more important foreign and domestic issues in the post-revolutionary situation, than the local-self governance elections.

“Our decision not to participate in the Yerevan City Council elections is linked with several factors, the first one is that today is a post-revolutionary situation in Armenia, the main theatrical stage is the Parliament, and there are more important foreign and domestic challenges for Armenia, than the local self-government elections”, Sharmazanov said.

Commenting on the view according to which when their party was in power, he was calling on the opposition to participate in the local self-government elections, Sharmazanov said not always his opinion is a majority in the party. “The political figures can change their opinion in case of the change of the situation. Perhaps now there are more serious issues in the political field than these elections”, he said, adding that they haven’t discussed yet whom they are going to support during the upcoming elections.