Categories: 2018

Baghdasaryan: We do not want to establish Pashinyan`s political monopoly in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 8 2018

ArmInfo. The party "Orinats  Yerkir" is interested in establishing a multi-functional ruling  regime in Armenia. Today, during the presentation of the party's  program to the elections to the Yerevan Council of Elders, its  leader, Artur Baghdasaryan, stated.

He noted that the political monopoly led to the collapse of the  regimes of all three presidents of Armenia.  "We do not want to  establish another political monopoly in Armenia – Pashinyan's  monopoly," Baghdasaryan said. At the same time, he stressed that all  those representatives of the authorities who were involved in those  or other crimes should be punished.

It should be noted that OE in the Yerevan elections nominated Mher   Shahgeldyan.

Kajoyan Gevork: