Azerbaijani Press: Oppositionists warn of the danger of Putin’s visit

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press

Oppositionists warn of the danger of Putin's visit

Baku / 24.09.18 / Turan: A group of public figures, mostly well-known
opposition politicians, held a Round Table dedicated to assessing the
significance of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to
Azerbaijan, scheduled for . The meeting resulted in
the adoption of a statement which notes the threat to peace and
independence of Azerbaijan that the Russian Federation bears. The
existence of the "fifth column" of pro-Russian figures, which the
Russian Federation uses in anti-Azerbaijani politics, is noted in
Azerbaijan. "The power of Azerbaijan should promptly clarify the
deliberate leakage into our society of information about Azerbaijan"s
joining the Collective Security Treaty Organization and other blocs
led by Russia," said MirmahmudFattayev, IskanderHamidov,
SardarJalaloglu, IgbalAgazade, ArifPashayev, ElladaMammadli, Rashid
Nazim, FirudinMammadov, Akif Nagy, TuralAbbasli, Ali Aliyev,
PanahHuseynov, members of the organizing committee for the preparation
of the pro-Karabakh rally.

Participants in the Round Table are confident that the Kremlin is
pursuing a policy of regaining control over the post-Soviet countries,
using terrorism and separatism for this purpose, the introduction of
the Russian army into foreign territories under the guise of
peacekeeping forces.

Azerbaijani politicians urge the countries and societies of the region
to rally before the threat of Russian expansion, to defend the
independence of their states, relying on international security
systems. They remind of Russia's direct responsibility for the
occupation of Azerbaijani land by Armenia, which resulted in the
emergence of about a million refugees and internally displaced persons
in the country, as well as the genocide in Khojaly.

Russia continues to support the occupation of Azerbaijani land, while
isolating Azerbaijan from international forces that are contrary to
the geopolitical aspirations of the Kremlin. The involvement of
Azerbaijan in the format of cooperation between the Caspian states is
accepted by the opposition as a refusal of the country from its
sovereign foreign policy. The authors of the statement prefer
synchronization of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations with the
Turkish-Russian relations.

The participants of the Round Table support the Azerbaijani-Russian
relations in the military-technical and economic fields, but oppose an
even greater spread of the Russian language in Azerbaijan, and condemn
the Kremlin's opposition to the development of democracy in