Categories: 2018

Pashinyan: Revolutionary euphoria will not pass in Armenia in the next 15 years

News.am, Armenia
Oct 3 2018
Pashinyan: Revolutionary euphoria will not pass in Armenia in the next 15 years               

The post-revolutionary euphoria will not pass in Armenia in the next 15 years but it does not mean that 15 years elections will not be conducted in the country, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told reporters n Wednesday.

“Those who think that this political crisis must continue until May rate their narrow group interests higher than the state interests,” the premier stated.

Asked whether the president will sign the bill into law or not, the PM said that he does not think Armenia’s president will do anything against Armenia’s people.

He also convinced that after his resignation no uncontrollable situation will be created in the country but if so he did not exclude the conduction of all day rallies.

Hambik Zargarian: