Azerbaijani Press: Population Growth in Azerbaijan to Stop

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
Oct 12 2018
Population Growth in Azerbaijan to Stop

The economist Gubad Ibadoglu, after analyzing the demographic situation in Azerbaijan, came to the conclusion that in the next 10 years there will be no population growth.

Analyzing on the basis of official reports, the economist noted that, compared with 1989, the population growth in Azerbaijan was 40.7%, and in Georgia – 31.44%. Over the past 30 years, the population in Armenia has decreased by 9.12%.

"Starting from 2011, the population growth rate in Azerbaijan has decreased. The coefficient of reproduction in Azerbaijan during the reporting period fell from 2.4 to 1.9. This means that at this rate in the next 10 years, population growth will stop."

According to the State Statistics Committee, since the beginning of the year, the population growth in the country amounted to 0.5% or 52,427 people. As of September 1, 2018, the population of the country was 9,950,512 people. Compared to the same period last year, in the first eight months of this year, the growth rate of the population decreased from 0.9% to 0.5%.

Ibadoglu believes the main reason for the decline is the incipient increase in the number of divorces, the increase in the number of abortions, according to the sex of the fetus, a decrease in the state"s care for children under deteriorating living conditions, the increase in the number of deaths, the rejuvenation of death, and the increase in migration to other countries.

The economist has come up with suggestions to prevent this trend in the demographic situation. One of his proposals is to double the one-time benefit for newborns, taking into account inflation and a sharp increase in the minimum expenditure for children.

Since September 2013, the size of a one-time allowance for newborns has been 90 manat.

Comparing this figure with similar data from other countries, G. Ibadoglu noted that in Germany a one-time allowance for 3 children is 588 euros, and in Denmark it is 733 dollars. In his opinion, a link should be created between family income and tax payments, taking into account the number of children in a family, and developing care packages for low-income families and for children without a mother or father. Among his proposals is the issuance of a package of compulsory medical insurance for children up to 18 years.

In 2011, the natural growth of the population of Azerbaijan was 122,310 people, in 2012 – 119,452 people, in 2013 – 118,288 people, in 2014 – 114,855 people, in 2015 – 111,513 people, in 2016 – 102,816 people, and in 2017 – 86,932 people.

The coefficient of procreation shows the ability of one woman to give birth to a certain number of children in the reproductive period (15-49 years).