256 citizens receive free pass certificates

In January-September, 2018, the RA Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies received 30860 applications and letters, of which 1139 were citizens’ applications. 1565 applications have been received by e-mail.

127 inquiries were received from mass media, citizens and legal entities via e-mail or official website. Another 19 petition was received from the RA National Assembly deputies.

All inquiries, applications, and notes have been processed in the manner and timeframe established by the legislation.

With the “One Window” principle, 570 license for carriage of passengers by a single passenger-taxi, and included 19 licenses for the organization of passenger carriage by private entrepreneurs and organizations and 704 inserts, 1 tab of postal communication activity, radioelectronic and (or) high frequency of civilian use, including built-in or other commodities 342 licenses starting with 1 license and 1 inset technical inspection of vehicles.

During the same period, 256 passengers were granted with free passage.


News service of RA Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies: