Bolton: After the elections, Pashinyan will have a serious mandate to implement a number of decisive steps

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 25 2018

ArmInfo. During the meetings  in Yerevan, the upcoming parliamentary elections in December of this  year were discussed, as well as the fact that a number of issues  would be delayed in this connection. This was stated by the adviser  to the US president on national security, John Bolton on October 25  in Yerevan, commenting on the processes in Armenia.

"We also talked about public opinion and polls, which show that in  the upcoming elections Pashinyan will receive a serious public  mandate. I asked the Acting Prime Minister what the secret of his  success was, but he did not reveal it. Maybe after the elections he  will tell "- said Bolton.  According to him, the point is that if the  predictions come true, then after the election, the Acting Prime  Minister will have a serious mandate to take a number of decisive  steps. According to him, today in Yerevan he also held meetings with  political scientists, analysts and came to the conclusion that the  settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains among the  priorities of the political agenda of Armenia.