Meeting of Armenian, Belarussian Presidents held in Minsk (photos)


The meeting of Armenian President Armen Sarkissian and his Belarussian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko was held in Minsk on October 30.

The President of Belarus welcomed Armen Sarkissian’s visit to Minsk, stating that he is happy to host his Armenian counterpart on the sidelines of the meeting of the Core Group of the Munich Security Conference.

“Your visit to Belarus is very welcomed. Tomorrow we have an important even on security matters which will take place within the frames of the Munich Group. Your visit to Minsk and participation to the meeting on this topic shows that Armenia is not just concerned over this issue, but it is also very important for the Armenian people.

You should know that regardless of all kinds of views, you had and will always have good and reliable friends in a democratic Armenia in the person of Belarus. We both work in the common economic space – the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the CSTO, and consistently fulfill our agreements and everything that is envisaged by these organizations.

As for the foundations of our relations, the trade turnover, it should be noted that it is growing. Last year we recorded high growth, which comprises nearly 45-50 million USD. This is a good result, but if we talk about the potential in terms of the goods which are in high demand in Armenia and the goods which are in high demand in Belarus, then it’s not a great figure. Today we could have 150 million USD trade turnover which would raise our relations to a high level.

You know our opportunities, and we know yours. Therefore, we will observe any proposal by Armenia in a short period of time and will make a respective decision. I know that currently you are facing complicated democratic changes, you can’t avoid it, and of course, it’s very important for me to receive first-hand information from my friend, counterpart”, the Belarussian President said.

He added that it was very important for Belarus to follow the developments in Armenia. “We see a person in the person of you who is objective, realistic and ready to support the relations with Belarus, and we give mutual response to this”.

In his turn the Armenian President thanked for the reception and stated: “I also would like to start from the dramatic days of April-May and use the chance here, in perfect Minsk, to personally thank you for the support and friendship you showed during that days. I, both as a President and as an individual will not forget the attention I have received from you. Your telephone calls were not just diplomatic or political calls: they were calls from a friend, who was not only interested, but also was sad and happy, a man who wants to know and help. That was a great support for me during that days when major changes were taking place in our country.

It seemed, everything was good, without any dramas, human losses, but in any case it wasn’t easy. And I highly value your support and want to inform you about that, therefore I want to personally thank you.

Yes, I arrived here to participate in the Munich Security Conference. It’s very nice to be in Minsk which is a unique city. I think today Belarus is an example of stability and predictability. One can find such qualities very randomly in this new world where we live. The world is not just the regions, the world has become unpredictable, unstable, and the states, which in reality have these two qualities, are highly appreciated by me, my Belarussian friends and the world community in general.

It’s not a coincidence that the Munich conference, one of the leading conferences in the world, is taking place here in Minsk”.